Sunday, March 29, 2015

It's the Little Things

It is the little things in life that can be the biggest blessings.  Last year my friend Maria asked if she could use some of my photographs of Romania for inspiration for some of the amazing paintings that she does. Of course I said yes!  She then used the paintings to make beautiful cards!  In December she mailed me my own set of cards, but it took over 2.5 months to get to me! I was starting to think the cards were lost in the mail forever.

When I did finally receive the package, I could not believe how beautiful they came out.  The paintings have been printed onto beautifully textured  cards.  She really captured the beauty of Romania in her paintings.

It's funny how something that seems so small could bless me so much, and I think even more so because I had to wait so long to get them!  To know that people are thinking about you and you are not forgotten is a powerful thing.  Maybe you have a friend you haven't heard from in a while, you should drop them a little note and say hi.  Sometimes even small things can be huge blessings.

If you are interested in seeing more of the beautiful artwork Maria does, or in purchasing some of her art visit her ETSY site HERE!

February Missionary Update!

What happens when you have too many blogs?  You post your February update to the wrong one. oops!  here is my update from last month.  :)

This short month of February has flown by!  But it has been packed full of great times in my ministry, sad times, happy times and transition.

Things are going very well in the After School Program.  We are learning more about where our kids are coming from and their home life.  The two girls I work with have begun home visits and visits to the schools in the village that our children attend.  Meeting the families and the teachers really helps us understand our children more.  It has also been interesting seeing that there is almost a caste type of system in the village. While to us, we love all of our children, no matter if they are poor or dirty, to the families actually living in the village, there are those other families that are looked down on for being “more” dirty or more poor or whatever the reason is for the prejudice.  We had one little girl in my class who kept missing days, and finally we spoke with the mother and found out that she was missing because she was being bullied and teased on the way to our program for being dirty.  UGH! Talk about heart breaking, (especially because she is one of my favorites!)  So I had a meeting with our team and we came up with the idea to teach on the Good Samaritan this coming up week to the kids and to do the verse “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”.  We will also have a zero tolerance policy for bullying, and if we see it, that child will be sent home from the Program for the day.

There is a lot of work to be done in this community.  Hearts need to be changed, they so need Jesus.  We are working with this younger generation to raise them up with to know the hope that we have in Christ, and prayerfully change will begin with them.  This is a huge prayer request! Please pray for the cycles of alcoholism, abuse and reliance upon the government for money as well as the cycle of poverty in general to be broken.  That the people in village would become self-sufficient, and transformed spiritually, mentally and physically from the inside out by the power of Jesus! 

This month I have continued to help the President of FFR and my friend Sarah Vienna with her music and speaking engagements.  She is in America right now traveling around and I have been helping behind the scenes with her promotion.  Speaking of which, if you are in the San Clemente, CA area this Tuesday, March 3rd, you should go to Sarah’s FREE show and hear her sing and speak about what we are doing here in Romania!

Things with the FFR Internship & Discipleship Program that I spoke about are going great.  I have had several young ladies emailing for more information and I have already accepted 2 girls into the program, one from Scotland and one from Michigan.  I’m excited to see who else the Lord will bring together for this 2015-2016 Internship year.  I know He has great things planned for this Program and I am really excited to be heading it up and stepping out in faith to see what He will do!  If you know anyone who would be interested in participating in the Christian Missions Internship & Discipleship Program please send them my way.  It will be a year of growth, challenge, discipleship and ministry!

On top of all of this, it has also been the “birthday month” for 3 of our staff.  Two of our wonderful long term volunteers have moved back to their home countries after over 4 and 5 years of serving with us.  Transition is in the air, which brings some sadness and some excitement as the Lord leads us all on to new things. But I will really miss Raelene and Alisha, they are amazing and loving women who are so full of hospitality and grace.  

Alisha visiting my 1st grade class

I am very excited to be moving this weekend into my OWN apartment finally!  After being in Romania for over 4 months and having moved out of my apartment in Cali before I moved here, I’ve been living out of suitcases for 6 months, and I am ready to finally be settled. The process has been very easy this time around finding my apartment and I can see how the Lord has had His hand in my waiting until to find this place.  My landlords seem to be wonderful and I really love the apartment!  I have A LOT of cleaning to do in my new apartment before I get settled, but it is a wonderful place, in a typical communist bloc apartment building, on the top floor (I’m on the 5th floor) and I can see over a sea of bloc apartment buildings the BEAUTIFUL Brasov mountains from every room in my house (even from my shower!).  It is in a very clean and quiet area.  Most of the people in my bloc are old, so that is great for me.  I like my peace and quiet.  It is also on the other side of town, closer to the village and the grocery store I like to go to.  I will send pics once I’m settled for sure!

view from my window

This month has once again shown me that the Lord will provide for my needs in such interesting ways.  I have been really blessed by one time gifts of support from different people, some of whom I hardly even know, including a group of children from Praise Chapel Norwalk who helped raise money for my ministry!  What a blessing!

 Also it has been interesting that the Lord says He will provide for my needs and usually I think “money”.  But He has shown that He can provide in so many different ways.  With Alisha and Raelene moving back to their home countries, I have been blessed to receive many items from them that I was going to have to buy for my new apartment.  The really funny thing is, when I moved back home to American in 2010 from Romania, Alisha was here, and I gave her a lot of the things from my Romanian apartment back then…as we were packing up Alisha’s apartment over the past few weeks, I have ended up receiving back many of the items that were once mine from over 5 years ago!  It’s like they were holding on to them for me.  I love how the Lord works to provide and it’s nice to have these little items that were once mine back as it makes me feel even more “at home” here.

My language lessons have been only hold for the past couple of weeks, as there has just been too much going on, they will start up again next week, which makes me very happy! 

I could go on and on, I am always amazed at how much the Lord can fit into one month! 

I hope you are all doing great, I would love to hear from you! 

With lots of love,

Prayer Requests:
Romanian Language
Team unity
The kids and families in the village
The transition that is taking place right now in FFR with people moving
Continued provision

This entire month!
My new apartment!
God’s provision in such unique ways!
New opportunities with the ministries I am involved with and the amazing paths the Lord is leading me down

In Need Of Love

oh man...this is so true! 
Our kids in the After School Program need lots and lots of love! 
Please keep our kids in your prayers and pray that the Lord will fill each of us with His grace so that we can share HIS love.  
And that He will help us to remember this when our kids are acting in "unloving ways".